Showing Results for - Month: November 2020

The Smart Move: Virtual Training for Truck Drivers

November 24, 2020 | by Marketing Team

The Smart Move: Virtual Training for Truck Drivers. When it comes to ongoing driver training, companies have slowly started to add technology-based training Techniques to their roster. In an effort [...]

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Hiring Military Veterans Can Help Beat The Driver Shortage

November 11, 2020 | by Marketing Team

Hiring Military Veterans Can Help Beat The Driver Shortage. The U.S. truck driver shortage is expected to double in the next decade due to challenges in replacing aging drivers. Additionally, [...]

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Freight Benchmark Study Shines Spotlight on Shipper Payment Practices

November 3, 2020 | by Marketing Team

Freight Benchmark Study Spotlight on Shipper Payment Practices. The Journal of Commerce (JOC) recently released a freight payment benchmark study that examines the payment, invoicing, and related administrative practices of [...]

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