4 Ways Truckers Can Add Cheer To Their Holidays

December 17, 2019 | by Marketing Team

4 Ways Truckers Can Add Cheer to Their Holidays | Thunder Funding

4 Ways Truckers Can Add Cheer to Their Holidays. Truckers are one of the last people out on the road during the holiday season. Which means life away from family and friends during this time can be challenging and lonely. We thought about what actually makes the holiday season (no matter what holidays you celebrate) so special and we determined it was the rituals and traditions we’d built up over time with our friends and loved ones.

It could be as simple as decorating the tree with Christmas music playing in the background, lighting the menorah together, or feasting on a huge breakfast after exchanging and opening gifts. All truly wonderful traditions.

And, as we all know, when you become a truck driver, it’s not uncommon for these wonderfully scheduled times and traditions to get completely pushed to the curb. So, how can truck drivers enjoy their holidays on the road?

Find A New Time To Celebrate

There are no rules that say the holidays have to be celebrated on specific days and times. If your work schedule takes you away from your family during Hanukkah, Christmas, or New Year’s Eve, simply set up your own holiday celebrations during times and dates when you know you’ll be home to celebrate with the ones you love. You can also use Skype, Zoom, FaceTime, and Facebook Messenger (just to name a few) to connect with your loved ones face-to-face. And, thanks to this type of easily accessible video technology, you can read your kids bedtime stories, blow out birthday candles together, be part of holiday celebrations, toast one another on New Year’s Eve, be present for the lighting of the menorah, and the list goes!

Reach Out To Others

If you find yourself at a truck stop on an important day for you, consider reaching out to your fellow truckers and invite them to join you for a warm meal, great conversation, and good company. While you may not have been able to control your schedule, you’re still in full control of how you spend your time when you’re off duty. Choose wisely and always choose connection and kindness. Perhaps, it’s time to create your own new holiday traditions for truckers.

Volunteer To Help Those Less Fortunate

We’ve all been there: In an unfamiliar town with absolutely nothing to do on Christmas day, or a particularly special day of Hanukkah, or any other day with special meaning to you. Consider giving back and volunteering at a local soup kitchen, homeless shelter or animal shelter. Helping those less fortunate could be just what a lonely soul needs to keep perspective and boost positivity.

Focus On Yourself

Big crowds and endless family gatherings are wonderful. But, so is solitude and alone time where you get to look back on the year past and decide what you want for yourself for the next one coming up. Perhaps, a holiday spent alone isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It can be a time for contemplation and reflection where you get to focus on yourself and appreciate how far you’ve come, what you’ve accomplished, and all the good things you have in your life.

Your holidays may be spent on the road, but that doesn’t mean it can’t still be filled with good company, good food, loved ones, and new memories. Wishing you all the best in the New Year!

For more information about holidays on the road be sure to check out this blog post: Simple Ways to Enjoy the Holidays While on the Road

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