Does Bad Credit Matter When Choosing A Broker Or Shipper?

December 22, 2021 | by Marketing Team

Does Bad Credit Matter | Thunder Funding

Does bad credit matter when choosing a broker or shipper? It happens often, you deliver your load, you invoice your broker, and the wait-time to get paid begins. This is exactly the reason you hire an exceptional factoring company like Thunder Funding. We eliminate the wait-time and save you the trouble of collecting the money from your invoices. However, as a valued client, Thunder Funding encourages you to make good credit decisions. Based on the current credit conditions and financial stability of any shippers or broker BEFORE accepting a load.

If you fail to do a credit check before accepting a load, you run the risk of your invoice not being factorable; then it falls on your shoulders to chase down unpaid invoices and deal with the additional stress associated with not having enough cash flow.

You can easily run a credit check several ways:

Factors Network – You have 24/7 access to credit reports online. We have made a video tutorial on how to run a credit check report using FactorsNetwork – check it out here!

Via Phone 800-240-4140 – We can help you with credit inquiries over the phone between 7am-5pm PST, M-F

Via Email –

123Loadboard – All credit information found on 123Loadboard is being pulled directly from our system

Performing routine credit checks is an excellent business practice and it will save you lots of time and trouble, and it will help you get your money even faster!

Do you run routine credit checks on your brokers and shippers? Tell us in the comments below.

For more information about broker and shipper credit checks be sure to check out this blog post: The Importance Of Broker And Shipper Credit Checks.

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