Fleet Owners Turn To Data To Improve Recruitment and Retention

June 7, 2016 | by Marketing Team

Fleet Owners Turn To Data To Improve Recruitment and Retention | Thunder Funding

Fleets Turn To Data To Improve Recruitment. Do you live more than 25 miles from your fleet’s terminal? Are you a fresh-out-of-driving-school graduate? Are you married?

If the answer to any of these questions is Yes, it could be a strike against you for certain fleets considering your application. Trucking and safety analysts are now taking a much closer look at driver behaviors. They are looking at personality traits, demographics, and other factors that correlate with high turnover and potential safety risks.

Big Data Provides Fleet Owners With Huge Returns

Fleet owners are jumping on the big data bandwagon! This way they can quickly turn the recruitment, driver retention, and safety management process into a fine science. Vigillo, the chief data collectors and analysts from the federal Compliance, Safety, and Accountability program, have reported “…a 40-50% increase in profitability and revenues for those fleet owners that really embrace [big data].” Bottom line: Expect to see more fleet owners implementing smart driver recruitment best practices. 

Big Data And Its Role In Driver Retention

Stay Metrics uses driver surveys and a clever recognition and rewards program to boost driver retention. Not surprisingly, analysts have discovered that corporate cultures can affect retention rates. Knowing more about the characteristics of a certain fleet, such as its culture and its driver applicants, is important.The better the chance of high retention.

Through detailed surveys, fleet owners are understanding that engaging the driver’s spouse is extremely important to retention. Data showed that, spending more time explaining benefits to drivers’ families boosts retention rates of top drivers.

Personality Traits And Alignment With Corporate Culture Drive Recruitment Process

Tomorrow’s recruitment and retention world will consider application markers like employment gaps, marital status, age, and other data.Traditional driver applications are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to pulling this data. About two years ago, Stay Metrics began a research project with the University of Notre Dame, which studied 450 drivers working for seven of the company’s carrier clients. The study assessed driver personality traits and linked them with safety scores and turnover data.

Stay Metrics CEO, Tim Hindes says, “Drivers with an orderly trait are structured — they take notes, make lists, and keep their paperwork in order.” Examining a multitude of personality traits in combination allows for a more holistic view of the driver to emerge. Consequently, this makes cultural fit and driving quality more predictable And, in the trucking industry, predictability is most definitely a good thing.

Be sure to check out our blog for more trucking safety best practices and industry trends from the team at Thunder Funding!

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