Got Unpaid Invoices? Learn More About Factoring

October 26, 2021 | by Marketing Team

Got Unpaid Invoices? Learn More About Factoring | Thunder Funding

Got Unpaid Invoices? Learn More About Factoring. Did you know that factoring is a popular form of financing in the trucking industry? Quickly convert unpaid invoices into immediate cash for fleets and owner-operators for a small fee!

Invoice factoring allows trucking companies access to fast cash to pay for fuel, vehicle repairs, payroll and more.

Here at Thunder Funding, we help trucking companies turn unpaid invoices into cash today! We buy invoices for freight that has already been delivered and pay business owners based on the company’s accounts receivables. Our freight factoring services ensure steady cash flow so that companies can keep their trucks rolling.

Factoring with Thunder Funding in 3 Easy Steps

  1. Deliver your loads and send us the invoices you want to get paid on.
  2. Receive payment the next business day, KA-CHING!
  3. Once you receive your money, the Thunder Funding team will handle the invoicing and collections from your customer.

As you can see, invoice factoring is a convenient and inexpensive financing solution for fleets and owner-operators. Thunder Funding’s main goal is to assist trucking companies secure a steady stream of working capital so that they can focus on scaling and growing their business.

For more information about factoring and doing credit checks, check out this blog post: The Importance of Broker and Shipper Credit Checks

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