Seeking And Keeping Millennial Truck Drivers

November 5, 2019 | by Marketing Team

Hiring Millennial Truck Drivers Thunder Funding

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, millennials will make up 75 percent of the nation’s labor pool by 2030. If you’re feeling the driver shortage pinch, we suggest you read on. Attracting and retaining great drivers that are also a good culture fit is a challenge faced by fleets across the nation.

 While technology is a great way to attract millennials, it’s also important for fleet owners and managers to understand more of what’s important to this generation of workers. Adapting, changing and catering to the needs of a multigenerational workforce is just good business sense.

Unlike ourselves, Millennials have grown up surrounded by technology that’s not only disruptive, but also constantly evolving. This generation changes jobs more often, prioritizes money when it comes to being compensated, and are known to seek out employment opportunities where only the best technology exists.

Key Things To Know About Millennials Besides Their Love Of Technology


Constant Communication And Feedback

Feedback and engagement are important to millennials. Many of the fleets we work with share with us their struggles in communicating effectively with their drivers. Regular conversations spark connection — especially when drivers know they’re going to be spending most of their time on the road solo. Fleet managers that prioritize and invest in their relationships with their drivers are, in our humble opinion, more likely to retain great drivers and employees in general.

Did You Say Incentives? Yes, please.

Technology may be the key to helping fleets recognize and reward exceptional driving performance. Advancements in truck technology now enable us to monitor driver behavior and compare each driver’s performance to a benchmark. Those who go above and beyond the standard are rewarded. Not only do great drivers get rewarded for their performance, it also reinforces the importance of safety goals across the organization.

Employee engagement, connection, and communication aren’t new concepts to managers and fleets. But, now is the time to make them a priority in the way we lead, hire, and retain our staff.

For more information about truck driver recruitment be sure to check out this blog post: Fleet Owners Turn To Data To Improve  Recruitment And Retention

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