Truck Driver-Focused Features Improve Productivity And Satisfaction On The Road

February 21, 2017 | by Marketing Team

Truck Driver-Focused Features Improve Productivity  | Thunder Funding

Truck Driver-Focused Features Improve Productivity.  Long haul truckers are often away from home for days — perhaps weeks — at a time. So, it’s no surprise they want rigs and cabins that feel like home. Let’s face it: A truck cabin that boasts a little comfort and maybe some luxury can go a long way in making those long drives a lot more enjoyable.

The Plus Side Of More Comfortable Cabins

New truck driver-focused features sound the bell for what could be a step in the right direction when it comes to building cabins that provide a better and more comfortable driving and living experience for the career trucker. Potential features that we think will enhance driver comfort, overall experiential satisfaction, and productivity include:

  • Improved seating and steering wheel ergonomics
  • Higher quality interior lighting and features to lower noise, vibration and, harshness
  • Higher quality headlights and wipers for improved visibility
  • Installation of radar, cameras, and other technologies to help prevent accidents
  • improved vehicle serviceability and ease of maintenance to help increase driver productivity

Luxurious bells and whistles are great, but we know that truckers aren’t necessarily looking for something fancy just for the sake of it. Truckers simply want something comfortable and functional, with a design that helps them do their job more easily and efficiently.

What do you think about these features? Do you believe they would increase productivity and satisfaction? Comment below. If you like this type of content be sure to subscribe to our blog. Also let us know if there is some topic or theme you would like us to explore further. We are always curious about the work dynamics of the trucking business and it’s ever-changing landscape.

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