Weighing In On Your 2017 Health and Wellness Resolutions
Weighing In On Your 2017 Health and Wellness Resolutions – We’re a quarter of the way into 2017, which means it’s time for a check in. How are you New Year’s health resolutions going? Are you making time for exercise? Have you finally adopted healthier eating habits? Are you making lifestyle changes that you can commit to and maintain for the rest of your life?
Heavy questions for a Tuesday, don’t you think? It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when it comes to your health. Well-intended New Year’s resolutions sound great in the beginning but, as the old adage goes: Actions speak louder than words.
Truck Driver Health And Wellness: Commitment and Discipline
Making the whole-hearted commitment to bettering your health requires discipline, determination, and planning. Rather than feeling overwhelmed by all the things you THINK you should be doing, trim down your to-do list and adopt these two (yes, just two!) basic habits to help steer you onto the road to wellness for good:
1. Add, Don’t Subtract
Starvation or denial dieting doesn’t work and can often backfire when you indulge in the dreaded binging session. Rather than subtracting foods from your diet, try adding in healthy goodies like juicy apples, crunchy carrots, or a small handful of almonds. Graze on healthy, protein-packed snacks throughout your day to keep your energy levels up and your mind focused on the road — instead of on how hungry you are.
Another simple way to cut back without constantly feeling denied is to switch to lower-calorie versions of the snack foods and drinks you already love and crave. While on the road, reach for some creamy vanilla yogurt rather than an ice cream bar or opt for a protein bar instead of a chocolate bar.
And, of course, be sure to lighten up on the drinks that go with your meal! Swap out your favorite high sugar beverages and sodas with flavored vitamin water or carbonated water.
2. Opt Out Of “Working Out”
We don’t know about you, but the word “exercise” doesn’t always inspire us to get moving. Quite the opposite sometimes. The trick to working out is to A) NOT call it working out and B) make it quick, easy, and accessible. Rather than scheduling in big — and sometimes intimidating — workout sessions, keep things simple and ease your body into a routine.
Before you head out on the road, try this quick, 10-minute workout:
50 jumping jacks
5 laps around your truck
Running in place for 2 minutes
Keep it simple and do this quick routine at every pit stop. The goal is to get your heart going and your blood pumping. No gym or equipment required.
For more information about truck driver health and wellness be sure to check out this blog post: Truck Driver Ergonomics: Best Practices and Tips